What do we believe?

If we had to sum it up ...

We believe in a good God and a good creation. We are all made in the image of God, and He loves us.  He wants to know us and wants us to flourish. Of course, we know firsthand how we often make choices counter to God's plan for us to flourish.  But out of love, Jesus Christ comes to us.  He is Immanuel, God with us.


We believe Christ's whole life shows us who God is, brings us forgiveness, and empowers us to partner with God to bring flourishing to our world.  This grace that forgives us, frees us, and empowers us is available to all!  It is the grand story Scripture tells  -God at work in the world for us and with us.   


As partners with God, we spend time with him, surrender to Him so we might be more like Him, and endeavor to show up in the world as He did. We believe that following Jesus is a life-long journey, not just a one-time decision.  We will spend the rest of our lives learning to love God and others, and follow Jesus.

What's a Wesleyan?

We're glad you asked!

The Wesleyan church traces its roots back to the mid-19th century, born out of a desire to address societal issues such as slavery, women’s rights, and child labor atrocities. We were one of the earliest churches in America to ordain women and give our members significant leadership roles.  

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